Unleashed, Unchained & Unapologetic.
Leadership podcast.
Stop playing the game, start writing the rules!
We are humble, driven allies and leadership advocates who are obsessed with supporting leaders to stand up and step up so that the workplaces of today and tomorrow truly work for all.
Everything we do supports you to lead and to shift the status quo forever by taking one human step in a smarter direction.
It all starts with U...
Dr Karen Wilson & Elle Sheppard hold over six decades of proven results of multi-industry leadership, operational consulting and advising experience and personal transformation within international blue-chip global brands to start up businesses.
Unleashed, Unchained & Unapologetic.
Downsizing And Still Thriving When Companies Shrink
As we see many companies cutting costs and downsizing we discuss how this affects the people who stay, those who leave, the leaders driving the change, and those who have to give the ‘tough messages’.
We explore the upsides and risks to people and organisations in terms of productivity, talent, financial performance, and how ‘downsizing stress’ easily leads to value destruction.
We consider
– What ‘good people-centric’ downsizing looks like.
– How leaders can maximise value, minimise stress, and mitigate business risks.
And we share real-world examples we’re been part of.
Finally, we ask listeners to consider how they ‘handle’ downsizing…
§ As a leader in their organisation?
§ When it happens to them?
§ When it happens to someone close to them?
It starts and ends with 'U'...
Supporting you to lead and to shift the status quo forever by taking one human step in a smarter direction.
Dr Karen Wilson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-karen-wilson-pcc
Eleanor Sheppard: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eleanorsheppard/