Unleashed, Unchained & Unapologetic.
Leadership podcast.
Stop playing the game, start writing the rules!
We are humble, driven allies and leadership advocates who are obsessed with supporting leaders to stand up and step up so that the workplaces of today and tomorrow truly work for all.
Everything we do supports you to lead and to shift the status quo forever by taking one human step in a smarter direction.
It all starts with U...
Dr Karen Wilson & Elle Sheppard hold over six decades of proven results of multi-industry leadership, operational consulting and advising experience and personal transformation within international blue-chip global brands to start up businesses.
Unleashed, Unchained & Unapologetic.
Financial Growth & The Return On Human Capital
Today we chat about how successful growth companies lock in success.
What do they do that others don’t?
What does this mean for the leaders in the company?
And what levers can a company pull to get the most out of its people so they choose to go the extra mile?
We talk about what motivates and demotivates us all – from the moment we meet a new employer through the day-to-day work experience.
And we pose some questions for any leader to consider
1. Where do you have friction in your relationships today that destroys value?
2. What will you do to address that?
3. And when?
It starts and ends with 'U'...
Supporting you to lead and to shift the status quo forever by taking one human step in a smarter direction.
Dr Karen Wilson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-karen-wilson-pcc
Eleanor Sheppard: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eleanorsheppard/