Unleashed, Unchained & Unapologetic.

Who's Running Your Inner Boardroom - Your Brain Or Your Body?

June 25, 2023 Dr Karen Wilson & Eleanor Sheppard Season 1 Episode 12

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In this week's episode, we delve into our 'Inner Boardroom' what it is and who those members are

The most important relationship we have as a leader is the one with yourself.

Most people tend to look at their relationships with the outside world world and completely skate over the relationship they have with themselves.

So, what is it that your board members are trying to tell you?

Are you recognising they are  there and what are the messages they are trying to share?

Because when our board members are in balance we are in our best state for everything in life 

It starts and ends with 'U'...
Supporting you to lead and to shift the status quo forever by taking one human step in a smarter direction.

Dr Karen Wilson: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-karen-wilson-pcc
Eleanor Sheppard: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eleanorsheppard/

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